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Posts Tagged ‘Minimalism

Baby Food Recipes

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Kellene Bishop is passionate about “emergency preparedness” and is an experienced speaker and demonstrator on that topic. In this post, she gives a few recipes, but most importantly talks about how baby food can be prepared without having to use electricity.

I like the idea that you need not be left scrambling in the event of a disaster, if you prepared for it by developing basic survival instincts and kits. As a civilization, we have moved so far away from natural living, which is based on the principles of minimalism and have come to depend heavily on a variety of creature comforts, that, if they were to be denied to us suddenly, would cause massive withdrawal symptoms in almost all of us. It is good to know that people like Kellene are able to think of alternative ways of living, by preparing for and expecting the unexpected.

Written by mothersspace

May 15, 2009 at 6:59 pm